2010. szeptember 24., péntek

Whitechapel-A New Era Of Corruption(2010)

Whitechapel is a six-piece brutal deathcore band from Knoxville, TN. The band has a recurring theme of Jack the Ripper, hence being named after the area of London (England) where the killer found his victims. They are signed to Metal Blade Records and have had a rapidly growing fanbase ever since their debut full-length “The Somatic Defilement” was released July 31st, 2007. Brandon Cagle left the band in November 2007 due to a motorcycle accident that has since left his right arm disabled and in need of surgery. The group released their second album, ”This is Exile” , in July 2008.

RATING: 9/10

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?he2dtaeut1kb977

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